Please spend your money wisely and buy food and supplies to help the victims of Ondoy.
sparkle heart, originally uploaded by bonnebons.
I could be doing volunteer work for the victims of Ondoy today. I should be spending my time helping people in need. I would rather be at a relief operations center, than where I am right now. But right now, I have no choice but to go to work, suck it in and help out in any way that I can. Although spreading the word online helps, I feel the need to do more.
If I can't spend my time and energy packing relief goods right now. I decided to put the time and energy I spent sewing these past few months into good use instead. I will be sharing a portion of what I have earned from my fascinators to buy relief goods for the victims of Ondoy.
So to all the ladies (and gentleman) who have supported my little shop... thank you. You have also, in your own fabulous way, helped the victims of Ondoy.
There is still more to do darlings, so please visit this site : ONDOY MANILA
Every little bit helps. Thank you :)
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