I find that it's easier to decide what to wear when you've pinned down the look that you're going for. And what better guide than the fab ladies who are known for their fashion sense? The next step, of course, would be that you add your personal touch (we don't want to get costume-y now, do we?). It could be through accessories like wearing chains instead of pearls; a splash of color onto an otherwise monochromatic look; or even make-up.
Sometimes, I even think of a specific person for a specific occasion. Meeting the boyfriend's parents? I usually go for the classics like Audrey Hepburn, Coco Chanel, Grace Kelly, Jean Pratchett--chic yet elegant. Consider the time of day and venue of course. Like pick "casual Audrey" for a lunch date with his parents, versus the iconic "Breakfast-at-Tiffany's-Audrey".
Going to a fun, laid-back party? I'd choose the carefree, fun-loving ladies like Anna Karina, Edie Sedgwick, Francoise Hardy, Brigitte

A "chi-chi" event? I say Louise Brooks. But that's just me though, 'cause I'm an old-fashioned gal.
So my question now is, who are your fashion icons?